The brotherhood meeting was opened by the president, Dick Strecker, at 7:05 p.m. in Memorial Hall.  The minutes of the previous brotherhood meeting and minutes of the Executive Board were read and accepted.

The election of chapter Treasurer followed.  The two candidates were David Mitchell, and Roger Crouse.  Roger Crouse is our new treasurer.  The complete slate of offices for the spring semester 1964 is as follows:

President Richard Strecker
First Vice President Martin Rosenberg
Second Vice President Charles Hadley
Third Vice President David Mathieson
Treasurer Roger Crouse
Recording Secretary John A. Kucharski
Corresponding Secretary Arnold Daniels
Alumni Secretary David Mitchell
Historian Donald Haynes
Sergeant at Arms George Cusson

Move: that the Kappa Omicron chapter authorize establishment of the fund, distinct from the chapter’s general fund, to support the program and projects of the Kappa Omicron alumni, income to comprise all donations, fees, and assessments of the alumni and such other sources as may be deemed appropriate.  This fund shall be designated 315G  This carried.

Move: that the Kappa Omicron chapter authorize the adoption of the Elliot addressing systems for addressing newsletters and such other correspondence as deemed appropriate, and appropriate such funds as a necessary for the implementation of this motion.  This carried.

Move: that the brotherhood sponsor a homecoming weekend concert next fall.  This carried

Move: (concerning The Critique)

  1. The Critique shall be a joint committee of Gamma Sigma Sigma and Alpha Phi Omega.
  2. All policies are subject to joint approval of the chapters.
  3. The committee shall be chaired by a member of the brotherhood with the sisterhood.
  4. Participation will be open to the campus community.
  5. The sizes of the critique will be cost review the publication before is seen by the joint committee, to make suggestions to the committee if necessary and to indicate approval.
  6. Final editing of the publication will be conducted by a joint committee of alpha phi Omega and Gamma Sigma Sigma.  This committee will be appointed by the president and Executive Boards of the chapters, subject to approval of their members.  The recommendations of this committee are subject to approval by the organizations executive board and membership.
  7. Channels: critique editorial board – advises staff trying reviewing committees of GSS and APO – Executive Boards of the two organizations – sisterhood and brotherhood.

This was passed.

Move that Alpha Phi Omega build a snow sculpture for the Carnival.  This carried. 

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
John A. Kucharski

Next available meeting minutes